BlueRange Server


Our BlueRange Server is the core of our infrastructure. It is responsible to manage all data of your organization. It is multi tenant and multi user capable to provide you with the most flexibility.

We offer two types of installation, a cloud instance that is managed by us or an on-premise installation.

Cloud vs. On-Premise


We have not only designated a paragraph or chapter to the installation of our BlueRange Server, but rather a whole manual that should cover the most exotic needs for installing our server on premise. Go to BlueRange Server Installation for all the install instructions. If you want to skip these steps, you contact us to get access to one of our cloud instances.

BlueRange Portal

The BlueRange Portal is installed together with the BlueRange Server and is served by its web server component. It is the central place to manage your server and administer your organization. We have a dedicated page that gives you an overview over our BlueRange Portal.


The REST API documentation can be accessed through any BlueRange Server installation. You must first log in with an organization user or administrator and you can then access all the documentation through the small question mark in the upper right corner of our BlueRange Portal. Next, click on Web API. This takes you to a page that details all the different parts of the API with the possibility to try out all requests on this page.

If you have access to our instance, you can simply click on this link:


The MQTT API documentation can be access through any BlueRange Server installation either through the question mark in the upper right corner of the BlueRange Portal or by accessing your server and adding asyncapi/index.html to the end.

You can also access the documentation here: