Asset Tracking Tags


BlueRange Tag M1 (BR-T-M100)

Our BlueRange Tag M1 is perfect for keeping track of your assets. It has an inbuilt accelerometer to detect once it is being moved and a user replaceable 1000mAh battery that gives you a battery lifetime of 2 years[1]. It also has a power button so that it can be switched off by the user to increase its shelf life. Finally, it has a red and blue LED so that it can identify itself and signal its current state.


  • Accelerometer

  • 1000 mAh Battery

  • Power Button

  • LEDs (Red, Blue)

  • IP67 Waterproof

In order to use the power button, you must open the enclosure. The LEDs are on the opposite side from the power button and you might be able to observe them through the enclosure in a dimly lit room.

To open the enclosure, grab the lid and screw it open like you would open a bottle. This gives you access to the power button, the LEDs and the battery. Make sure to securely close it once you are done if you need waterproofness.

BlueRange Sensor Tag R1 (BR-SA-R100)

If you want to collect sensor data in your building or even outside, you might want to have a look at our BlueRange Sensor Tag R1 that has inbuilt environmental sensors. It is also equipped with an accelerometer so that it can be tracked throughout your infrastructure. But if you prefer to just put it on a wall, we deliver it with 3M double-sided adhesive and it will gladly deliver its sensor data from a stationary position as well.

BlueRange Tag R1


  • Accelerometer

  • 1000mAh Battery

  • Power Button (Marked with a "B" next to it)

  • LEDs (Red, Green)

  • Sensors

    • Temperature (Β°C)

    • Barometric Pressure (Pascal)

    • Relative Humidity (%)

  • IP67 Waterproof

In order to observe the LEDs and to use the power button, you must open the enclosure.

To open the enclosure, use your fingernails or some other tool to pry the enclosure apart. Do not worry, if there is some resistance, there is nothing that can be damaged. This will give you access to the LEDs, the power button (marked with a "B") and the battery.


If you order some of our tags, you will receive them powered off and unenrolled but with the battery inserted. They will draw minimal current in this state which gives them a typical battery lifetime of more than 100 years.[2]In order to use them, you will need to enroll them.

  • First, turn on the tag by pressing its power button for about one or two seconds and release it. You might have to open the enclosure to do this. For more information check the documentation of your specific tag above. Turning on will be confirmed by the device with a short blink of the blue or green LED (🟒 / πŸ”΅). If you are unsure if you turned it on, simply press the power button for a short time (e.g. half a second) and it will confirm that it is currently running with a short blink of the blue or green LED. This will not restart the firmware, but simply confirm to you that it is running. If it does not blink, try to turn it on again.

  • You tag will now be running for a maximum of two hours. If you do not enroll the tag within this time, you will have to turn it on again as it will automatically power off otherwise.

  • Enroll your tag in our platform by following our documentation on enrollment. During enrollment, it will reboot. This is signalled by blinking the green or blue led (🟒 / πŸ”΅).

  • Once your tag is enrolled, it will stay active until its battery runs empty or until it is manually switched off.

  • Switching off an active tag can be done at any time by pressing the power button for about one or two seconds. The device will signal that it is going to power off by blinking its red LED five times (πŸ”΄πŸ”΄πŸ”΄πŸ”΄πŸ”΄). If you want to make sure it is powered off, press the power button for a short time (e.g. half a second). The device should not respond to this action, if it blinks its blue or green LED, this means that it is currently turned on and you need to turn it off again.

It is recommended to remove the battery from tags that are not used for a longer time (e.g. multiple months) due to the fact that defective batteries can leak acid and destroy the device.

🟒 = Short Green Blink (500ms)

All available LEDs blinking for about 10 seconds

βšͺβšͺ …​. 10 seconds …​. βšͺβšͺ

If you identify the device through our platform, it will blink all available LEDs for around 10 seconds. Devices with additional hardware such as beepers or buzzers will also make an auditory noise.

LED blinking red five times in a row


The device is powering off and will consume minimal power afterwards.

🟒 / πŸ”΅

The device is powering on. Pressing the power button for a short time will also make the device blink for a very short time (100ms) to signal that it is currently running.


If you experience issues with our tags, you might be able to analyze the issue yourself by observing the LEDs on the device. The LEDs are placed differently depending on the device and you might not be able to see it through the enclosure. Please make sure to check the device documentation above first.

Try to press the power button for about one or two seconds. If the device blinks shortly green or blue, it has now been turned on. If it blinks its red LED five times, it has now been turned off. If the device does not show any signs of activity, replace the battery with a new one. If it still does not work, contact our support.

If the device repeatedly blinks its blue or green LED, it is restarting periodically. This is most likely due to an empty battery where the battery can not power the device for long enough and is constantly breaking down. Please replace the battery. If you insert a new battery of which you are sure that it is full and the device still displays the same behavior, pleas do not hesitate to contact our support.

Device will not signal any LED even when pressing the power button for a long time

Please replace the battery as it might be empty. If you have inserted a full battery and the device will still not respond to a long press of the power button, please contact our support.

1. In a typical use-case where the tag is in motion less than 20% of the total time, e.g. less than 5 hours per day. See our data sheet for more information.
2. If the battery itself wouldn’t discharge on its own in that time, which it certainly would.