

This chapter covers everything you need to know about monitoring the state of your system. It gives an overview for all the tools that we currently provide to check the status of software components and devices. Also, it describes the possibilities that you have to set up automatic notifications if something does not work as intended.

Device Monitoring (Gateway, Mesh Nodes, Tags)

All enrolled devices in the BlueRange platform can be easily monitored through our Portal. Each device has a status indicator that tells you whether the device is behaving as intended or not. You are able to set up a number of Notifications that will automatically notify you if the device e.g. turned inactive for a certain time.

Device Compliance

The compliance state of a device is an indicator that shows if a device is powered on and able to communicate with the BlueRange Server.

As long as a violation exists on the device, it will remain in a “non-compliant” state. Non-Compliance can be a setting that is ignored by the device for some reason or that it cannot connect to the BlueRange platform.

Device states

Device states give you the most basic information about the device, it’s health and current capabilities. You can use it to filter classes of devices and perform various actions on them, therefore it is important to know what a specific state stands for and how you can change it.

A device can be in one of the following states:

    The device is active, responsive, correctly configured and enforces the configured configuration. This is the correct and desired state, when a device is managed without a problem.

    The device is inactive, not responsive, not able to connect or it is not conforming to its configuration.

    The device is not responding.

Configuring Device State Checking

In order to automatically update the device status, the device state checking intervals have to be correctly set up in the platform.

Configuring Automatic notifications

You are able to set up notifications that automatically inform you about the device state via E-Mail. Check our Notifications chapter on how to set up these notifications.