Quick Start

BlueRange Mesh can be built using GCC and is mainly written in C++, with some small C++11 bits. Setting up the development environment has become pretty straightforward.

You have three possibilities:

  • Flashing the precompiled firmware will take you about 5 minutes.

  • If you want to compile it yourself you need to setup the Toolchain with VsCode & Compile BlueRange Mesh. This will take you a few more minutes until everything is ready to go.

  • We also offer a simulator that allows you to do a lot of the development work on your computer instead of on the hardware itself. You can set up mesh networks of hundreds of nodes at the same time while being able to control and debug them all. Take a look at CherrySim for building and usage instructions. It is possible to do most of the development work without even having access to a hardware development kit.

Flashing Precompiled Firmware

The precompiled firmware can be flashed in three easy steps. You can download it from our GitHub Release Page.

Download nRF5 Command Line Tools

The nRF Command Line Tools are handy for flashing the compiled firmware on a device. You can download them here for the operating system of your choice and install them:

The tools come with a bundled installation of the Segger Utilities, which are necessary for flashing and debugging nRF Hardware.

On Windows you should add the bin/ folder of the installation to your operating system PATH variable to make development easier. On Mac OS X this is already done by the installer.

Flash SoftDevice & Application

Plug in your nrf52 development board via USB, then open a command prompt in the downloaded folder and type in the following command for flashing:

C:/<path_to_nrfjprog>/nrfjprog.exe --chiperase --program github_dev_nrf52_merged.hex --reset

There are a number of different precompiled binaries available, you can find some more information on the release page.

Your output should look like this:


If you have multiple boards attached, you will be prompted for the id of your board that should be flashed.

Next Steps

You’re now ready to test BlueRange Mesh. Continue by reading the Get Started section.

Compile BlueRange Mesh

BlueRange Mesh is built using the GCC compiler toolchain together with CMake and GNU make. The installation process varies a little for each operating system.

Clone the BlueRange Mesh Repository

Clone the BlueRange Mesh Repository in a folder of your choice, e.g. using the command line:

Installing the Toolchain

GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain

Download the zipped version 4.9 of the GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain from https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded/4.9/4.9-2015-q3-update/. This includes the compiler gcc, linker, and multiple utilities like objcopy, addr2line and gdb - the GNU debugger.

Do not choose a newer version for this quick start, as this might fail to compile.
This version of GCC is used to compile the featuresets for SDK 14 and SDK 15 which we have documented as an example in this quick start. To compile the SDK17 featuresets, you should download and install the gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update.

Unzip the contents in a directory of your choice.

Now, you must add the compiler to your PATH variable.

For Windows:

Use the environment variable editor and add a new entry to the PATH variable of your user, e.g. C:\tools\gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q3\bin.

For Mac/Linux:

Open your default shell PATH file:

For Z shell: nano ~/.zshrc

For Bash shell nano ~/.bash_profile

And add the following line to to the file. Do not forget to change the path according to your GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain location. export PATH="$PATH:/opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q3/bin"

For macOS user with Apple silicons, the installation of rosetta is required to make gcc work: softwareupdate --install-rosetta

Installing CMake

Download and install the latest Version of CMake:

Installing Python

You also have to download and install Python 3.x if not already installed from here:

Install the nRF Command Line Tools

If you haven’t already installed the nRF5 Command Line Tools, you can see how do so here. It is important that the tools are installed and available in the PATH of your operating system as the build will otherwhise fail with an error such as: mergehex could not be found.

Unix Tools Installation (Windows Only)

Next, if you are working on windows, you have to download and install some unix utilities, the GNU ARM Eclipse Build Tools. This includes make, sh, rm and some others. Version 2.4 has been tested successfully and the executable installer can be downloaded from here:

Because most makefiles will also use the mkdir command and maybe some others, you should also download the GNU Coreutils that provide a set of UNIX commands in binary for Windows. Copy at least the mkdir.exe and md5.exe to the bin/ folder of your GNU ARM Build Tools installation. You must also download the dependencies and copy these to the same folder (Two .dll files).



Finally, you should add the bin folders of the gnu buildtools to your PATH variable as well, e.g. under System Environment. This will make sure that you can access these tools from anywhere.

Building BlueRange Mesh

Now, you have a few options on how to build BlueRange Mesh. We recommend using VsCode for building and coding with BlueRange Mesh as it has a really nice CMake integration and can be set up in a short time.

Option 1: Using VsCode

If you do not have VsCode installed, get it for your platform from:

Next, you must install some extensions:

Configure the Project

In order to configure the project, you should create the file <fruitymesh-folder>/.vscode/settings.json. Create the folder if it does not yet exist and make sure to replace the path with the correct path that points to your GCC installation. (In case of problems see Troubleshooting)

    "cmake.buildDirectory": "${workspaceFolder}/_build/vscode/",
    "cmake.configureOnOpen": true,
    "cmake.generator":"Unix Makefiles"
If you want to compile an SDK17 featureset, you need to change both the GCC_PATH to point to the gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update version and your build directory should also be changed to e.g. vscode_sdk17 as you will run into issues when using the same build directory for different toolchain versions.

Now, if not already opened, you should open VsCode and use File ⇒ Open Folder to open the BlueRange Mesh project folder. This should look similar to the following screenshot, with the .vscode folder as part of the repository.

vscode project

If there are popups that ask you to allow Intellisense to be configured or if you want to use the compiler_commands.json file for configuring IntelliSense, click yes to have better indexing and code navigation support. This is mentioned up front as these popups might disappear fast. Don’t worry, they will pop up again at some time.

First, you have to select the Kit by clicking on "No Kit Selected" in the bottom bar of VsCode. You need to choose the installed GCC ARM Embedded 4.9 toolchain. If it does not show up in that list, make sure that you have added the gcc arm embedded directory to your path.

kit selection

Next, switch to the CMake Panel on the left side and click "Configure".

cmake panel

This should automatically trigger the CMake configuration and load all available featuresets


You are now able to build the binary targets by clicking on the build button next to the featureset. There are also a number of Utility targets. If you right click a Utility target and choose "Run Utility", it will first build the target and then flash the application and SoftDevice on any attached development board.

For more information about VsCode, how to setup Debugging or for some Troubleshooting, make sure to also read the VsCode Setup page.

You can now continue with the Get Started section.

Option 2: Manual CMake Project Configuration

If you want to build BlueRange Mesh on the command line, use the following instructions. Further explanation can be found under Building With CMake

Open a command line in <fruitymesh-folder>/_build/commandline and execute the following command within that directory. Make sure to replace the path to GCC to fit your installation (use forward slashes "/"):

cmake "../../" -DBUILD_TYPE=FIRMWARE -DGCC_PATH="C:/<yourpath>/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9" -G "Unix Makefiles"

The GCC_PATH must be specified using forward slashes "/", not backward slashes "\", otherwhise cmake will complain about Invalid character escape '\m'. You have to delete all files in your build directory before executing the command again to solve the issue! In case of other errors, make sure to have a look at Building With CMake

Next, from the same directory, execute the following command:

cmake --build . --target github_dev_nrf52

Any other Featureset may be used as well as a target.

If you installed the nRF Command Line Tools and properly configured the PATH, you can now type:

`cmake --build . --target github_dev_nrf52_flash`

to flash the firmware on a device. This also works with any other Featureset by appending "_flash" to the name.

The safest and most straight forward setup for flashing is to only have a single board connected to the computer while flashing.

You can now continue with the Get Started section.


Eclipse is a good development IDE but its CMake integration is a bit outdated. The following setup will work, but you might experience issues with the code indexer. You should create a directory next to the fruitymesh directory, that you can call e.g. fruitymesh_eclipse. This is necessary as eclipse will otherwise not properly display the sourcecode directory in the project.

To generate the project settings, open a commandline in the fruitymesh_eclipse folder and execute:

cmake ../fruitymesh -DBUILD_TYPE=FIRMWARE -DGCC_PATH="C:/<yourpath>/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9" -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles"

After starting Eclipse, all you have to do is to import the generated BlueRange Mesh project. You can then develop, flash and debug in a comfortable way.

Get Started

Now, let’s see how we can use BlueRange Mesh. The precompiled firmware and the standard project settings are configured so that all devices immediately connect to each other. Start by plugging in your first development kit.

Open Serial Terminal & Connect

BlueRange Mesh offers a Terminal to interact with the firmware. On Windows, PuTTY is the best tool for this job. The screen utility can be used on macOS or Linux. You have to connect to UART using the following settings:

  • Serial line to connect to: COMX (see blow)

  • Connection Type: Serial

  • Speed: 1000000

  • Data bits: 8

  • Stop Bits: 1

  • Parity: None

  • Flow control: RTS/CTS (Hardware)

OSX users: To find out which serial port to open, you can list all devices under /dev/cu. and pick the one that says usbmodem.
On Windows you can find the correct COM port to connect to by opening the device manager and then under (COM & LPT) you should see a JLink entry with the COM number at the end (e.g. COM3). All the serial settings can be found in PuTTY under Connection/Serial.
You can also use the Segger RTT viewer to connect to the terminal of the node. Just open the viewer and select the correct settings while the debugger is connected to your computer.

Once BlueRange Mesh is running, make sure to take a look at our native simulator CherrySim which you can use to fully develop BlueRange Mesh based applications on your development machine without the need to work on the hardware itself. This greatly simplifies debugging and error analysis.

Reset Development Kit

Once your terminal is connected to the serial port, press the reset button on the Development Kit and the Terminal should provide you with some output similar to this:


If you don’t get output immediately it will sometimes help to disconnect the Devkit from USB for a short time or try to write something. This is an issue of the Segger Debugger chipset that bridges the UART.

Try Some Commands

You may now enter a number of commands to trigger actions. Here are some important ones:

  • status: displays the status of the node and its connections

  • reset: performs a system reset

  • data: sends data through the mesh that other nodes then output to the terminal

Connect Second Development Kit

Next, flash and connect another node to the network and you should observe that they connect to each other after a short amount of time. You’ll see that the LEDs will switch from blinking red to a single green pattern.

  • If you enter the command action 0 io led on, both nodes should switch their led to white (all LEDs on). After you enter action 0 io led off, it will go back to connection signaling mode.

  • Now, connect with another terminal to the second node and enter data in the command prompt and observe how the data is sent to the other node and outputted on the other terminal.

  • You can add as many nodes as you like to the network and see how it reacts. If you remove a node, the network will try to repair this connection. You can observe the size change of the cluster by entering status from time to time.

Two nodes will only connect to each other once they have been enrolled in the same network. The Github configuration will automatically have all nodes enrolled in the same network after flashing. If you do not want this, take a look at the UICR configuration.

GitHub Featureset

The default Featureset that is compiled for the github release is called github_dev_nrf52. This featureset uses some default values from Conf::LoadDefaults() in Config.cpp and sets some other default values in SetFeaturesetConfiguration_github_dev_nrf52() in github_dev_nrf52.cpp. These defaults are useful to get you started quickly. To get your nodes into production you should however make use of the UICR to store a separate node key for each of your nodes. Also, nodes are typically enrolled by the user so they should not automatically connect to the same network after flashing. Also take a look at our Enrollment Module for more information on the enrollment of nodes.

Some of the defaults that are currently used for demonstration purpose:

  • Serial Number: Auto generated in the FMxxx range (stays the same after re-flashing)

  • Node Key: Set to 11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11

  • Network Key: Set to 22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22

  • Network Id: Set to 11

  • Enrollment State: Set to true

  • BLE Address: Uses the unique address of each chip

What’s Next

Take a look at the Features page for a detailed overview of the possibilities and check out Basic Usage for usage instructions. If you’re ready to contribute to the development of BlueRange Mesh, cf. Developers for a roadmap and for instructions on how to participate.

If you want to start programming with BlueRange Mesh, you should have a look at the Tutorials page for a guided introduction.