
There are a number of different connection types, each used for a different purpose.


A base connection is the base class of all connections. It provides some general concepts such as a PacketQueue for sending and some methods for splitting and reassembling messages according to the connection MTU.

Connection States

enum class ConnectionState{

Packet Splitting

Whenever data is sent with a payload size that does not fit into a single MTU (usually 20 bytes) then that data is split into multiple messages. The header of the split message (connPacketSplitHeader) that is prefixed before each of the fragments has additional information. It tells the receiver the index of the message fragment and whether a fragment is the last one so that it can be easily and reliably reconstructed. This mechanism can be used for all connections that rely on the standard BlueRange Mesh packet format. This means that they must use the connPacketHeader for all packets and must evaluate the MessageType in the first byte. The MeshConnection and MeshAccessConnection use this packet format.

Splitting and Reassembly is implemented as part of BaseConnection.cpp and can be used by any Connection class that subclasses it. It is not mandatory and cannot be used if a different type of packet format is transmitted over these connections. Once data is received that has the MessageType::Split_WRITE_CMD or MessageType::Split_WRITE_CMD_END, the connPacketSplitHeader will be stripped away and it is placed in a packet reassembly buffer until the full message was received. The message will only be reported to the implementation after it was fully reassembled. If a part was missing, the entire message will be dropped. In case custom encryption was implemented, this will also typically take place after a packet was split into parts and before it will be sent.

The connPacketSplitHeader

With packet splitting, a wrapper is prefixed before every message fragment to allow for messages that are longer than the maximum number of bytes per transmission. Usually, this limit is 20 bytes per write, but may be different if a connection supports a different MTU (see MTU Upgrade).

A split packet will have the messageType set to one of these:

#define MESSAGE_TYPE_SPLIT_WRITE_CMD 16 //Used if a WRITE_CMD message is split
#define MESSAGE_TYPE_SPLIT_WRITE_CMD_END 17 //Used if a WRITE_CMD message is split
Bytes Type Name Description




Set to SPLIT_WRITE_CMD if this is the first or an intermediate part. Set to SPLIT_WRITE_CMD_END if this is the last part of the message.




Index of the split message, starting with 0 for the first part.

MTU Upgrade

Some Connections such as the MeshConnection implement an automated MTU upgrade. Once a connection between two devices was set up, it will have a default MTU of 23 bytes (20 bytes of payload), which is compatible with all devices starting from Bluetooth Standard 4.0. Newer devices might support a higher MTU, which increases the throughput by a lot. To provide a good balance between memory consumption and throughput, BlueRange Mesh has been configured to use an MTU upgrade of up to 63 bytes in FruityHal::BleGattGetMaxMtu. This allows us to send packets of up to 60 bytes in a single packet without needing to split them. The MTU upgrade is done during the Handshake and is implemented in ConnectionManager::RequestDataLengthExtensionAndMtuExchange. As the upgrade procedure and the packet splitting are implemented in the lower layers of BlueRange Mesh, the user typically does not have to care for this. Optimizing packets to have a total size of less than 20 bytes is still a good idea if possible.


This connection is instantiated as soon as another device connects to the node, in which case the node is the peripherial. Initially, it is not known whether the other device is a mesh node, a smartphone or something else. The resolver connection will wait until the partner transmits a packet from which it can determine the type of connection that needs to be instantiated. The correct connection is then created and the ResolverConnection is deleted. Each Connection needs to implement a ConnTypeResolver where it must return whether it wants to be instantiated or not. Take a look at MeshConnection::ConnTypeResolver for some more information.


MeshConnections are initiated by the node and are used to connect between two mesh nodes. They store important information for clustering such as the clusterId and clusterSize of their partner. It also implements the handshake for two partners to be connected to the same cluster. It works closely together with the Node. They can transfer message of any size as they use packet splitting.


The MeshAccessConnection is also documented to a large extent in the documentation of the MeshAccessModule.