
This document guides you through the steps required to set up an on premise installation of BlueRange.

This guide is split into multiple chapters, with each chapter focused on setup of BlueRange on one particular operating system. This guide does not cover setup of the operating system. We expect you to be familiar with the operating system itself, software installation and basic OS maintenance tasks. Furthermore, basic knowledge about relational databases and firewall configurations is required.

Consider our cloud service

Since an installation on premise is a lot of work, requires technical knowledge and is error prone, we recommend the use of our hosted service at

One reason why the use of our cloud service is easier is the fact that you do not have to worry about database backups. Our instances are constantly monitored by our competent staff and backed up automatically so you can concentrate on getting your work done. On top of that, you do not have to worry about updates. Our cloud instances are always fresh with the latest fixes and features.

Select version to install

Make sure you view this installation guide for the version of BlueRange you would like to install. In most cases this should be the highest numbered production version.

If the highest version number is unclear, please open a ticket on our contact form.

Important notes

  • This guide is long because it covers many cases and includes all commands you need to install BlueRange on a supported platform.

  • This installation guide was created for and tested with all supported operating systems and database versions. Please read requirements for hardware and operating system requirements.

  • This is the official installation guide to set up a production server. To set up a test environment see our documentation on Docker Hub.

  • The following steps have been known to work. Please use caution when you deviate from this guide. Make sure you don’t violate any assumptions BlueRange makes about its environment. For example many people run into permission problems because they changed the location of directories or run services as the wrong user.

  • If you find a bug/error in this guide please open a ticket on our contact form.